Active Start
- We do NOT play league games against other teams.
- We may play in 1 or 2 Fun tournaments throughout the season. Scores are NOT kept.
- We focus on having FUN and becoming comfortable on the ice by using simple group skating games and other fun activities.
- We focus on maximum participation: everyone is involved and active at all times.
- We will use modified/divided ice surface to allow more groups to participate.
- We will use modified equipment that is scaled for the size of the participants (e.g. smaller nets).
- We will develop basic skating skills (basic stance, falling and getting up, edges, balance on skates, start, stop, walking all directions, forward/backward stride and glide).
- Although it is not a requirement, it is best when a new Active Start Athlete has had some prior skating lesson/training like a "Can-Skate" program.
- We will introduce sticks and rings, playing fun games to learn how to send, receive and carry a ring (on or off-ice).
- Introduce the concept of Ringette by playing mini-games.
Activities will encourage and promote the development of:
- Group social skills (interactions, sharing, taking turns, helping)
- Showing what you can do
- Confidence
Children are required to wear full equipment (including ringette mask and ringette stick). Children without full equipment will NOT be allowed on the ice.
NOTE: Each player will be provided with a Spruce Grove Ringette jersey at the first practice. This will need to be returned at the end of the season.
The list of equipment includes a certified helmet with ringette mask, neck guard, chest and shoulder pad, elbow pads, protective gloves, ringette pants, girdle, knee/shin pads, skates, and ringette stick.
**Hockey pants with shin pads and socks are also acceptable**